Summer/Fall Apprentice Opportunity Clear
Water Sanctuary A cooperative
Permaculture Homestead 20 miles northwest of Olympia WA
An apprentice would
experience natural building including earth, cordwood and roundwood construction, reciprocating roofs, integrated greenhouses, barn-building and portable animal
shelters, plasters and various earth recipes, off-grid water and
energy systems, no-till forest
gardening methods, pole-fencing, wild-crafting and a lot more. This will be a well-rounded and intensive learning experience in the
sustainable arts. This needs to be a good match both ways. It’s a great opportunity for just the right folks wanting to learn a lot in a short time…by intensive hands-on experience. Here’s what we have to offer: besides the mentorship* (please see to learn more about the mentor) in
Permaculture and natural building, a LOT of homestead skills will be in use and taught along the way. We can also offer to share an old-style farmhouse on a 100 acre
cattle ranch nearby, complete with electricity, phone, clean hot & cold water, full kitchen and even a small hot tub we can set up. The ranch has a beautiful river that flows by. There’s also camping on Clear Water Sanctuary
land, 25 acres of forest in-holding with a large clear, cold, creek that runs through. There’s room for 2-4 folks. The exchange covers the places to stay, a few bulk food staples, and intensive mentorship. Apprentices need to cover most of their own food and basic needs. This can be seen as a great deal because many students are paying lots of money to learn these skills in places that are more established. For a hearty soul eager to deepen their
Permaculture design experience and broaden their natural building horizons, this could be a golden opportunity. If interested please contact 0r try calling 360-249-3166