Auction of 20 acre family farm homestead with established orchards.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [
permaculture] Fwd: [NAFEX] Off topic - 20 acre homestead auction.
Date: Wed, 23 Dec 2009 21:38:57 -0600
From: mIEKAL aND <>
permaculture <>
A property with mature fruit & nuts already established...
Begin forwarded message:
> From: > Date: December 23, 2009 8:51:20 PM CST
> To: > Subject: [NAFEX] Off topic - 20 acre homestead auction.
> Reply-To: North American Fruit Explorers <>
> Dear Group,
> Ken Dooley, who was an active member of the Indiana Nut Growers,
> North American Fruit Explorers and the Northern Nut Growers
> passed away last fall. He lived near Marion Indiana which is north
> of Indianapolis on 20 acres. Ken and his wife lived there are over
> 50 years and have many nut and fruit
trees planted, a nice garden
> area and several outbuildings one of which includes a small built in
> The property will be auctioned at public auction on January 16.
> This would make a good home for a young family desiring to be self-
> sufficient for their food supplies or for a retired couple. I have
> been in the house but that's been several years ago and just don't
> remember much about it. I have contacted his brother Merrill and
> will have that information available for anyone who wants further
> details. Please request off line.
> The property address is: 2595 E 450 N, Marion IN 46952. Google Earth
> has a good satellite view.
> Jerry Lehman
> 812-298-8733
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