Ok, not quite a
lawn. We just had a hole cut through an earth
berm between our kitchen garden and a field - the berm is about 6' high on one side and 4' on the other, so now there is a long earth ramp sloping through the opening down into the garden - about 15' long at a guess? We will be walking on it a lot for access up into the field (meadow, extending growing area, and animals). It's ok-ish soil - not great, because the berms are only about 5 years old and were made up mixed-up soil and sub-soil with a lot of rocks. I know things will start self-seeding there quickly - we have plenty of clover, yarrow, grass, pineapple weed,
nettles, self-heal, and sorrel around, although we also have a lot of thistle, broad-leaf dock, and ragwort unfortunately.
I'd like to encourage plants that will cope ok with being walked on frequently - we'll be walking and wheeling barrows, etc, but not driving over this area, but ideally
root deep and strong
enough to prevent too much erosion. We get a lot of rain here so I don't want the ramp to all wash across the garden!