I am pretty sure if you are here reading this you may have visited the site.
A few years back I had this site saved in my favorites but I have seriously lost my patience with the article quality of Natural News. It borderlines, excuse me, its surpasses the poor journalism and editing standards seen in cable news like Faux News or MSNBC.
On occasion there are sencere subjects which prove informative and for that reason I have weathered the stupidity this long. I have stopped reading after becoming annoyed to the point of no return by over-exposure to a continuous
feed of click-whoring headlines like "Curing PTSD With Herbs" or "Obama Kills Children" and other headlines which are rarely ever properly justified given poor evidence and sketchy premises. IMO this style of journalism not only damages the credibility of the natural movement, but also saturates the internet with inaccurate information further delegitimatizing a broader message.
Today, I deleted Natural News from my web browser.