Hello Permies in this forum living in the Kansas
City Area,
I am now in the act using this forum:
This is to let you all know that
Permaculture is alive and well in our area. I am the coordinator of the Kansas
Permaculture Collaborative, an organization that has been in existence since 2006. We have over 200 members in the Kansas City, Lawrence, Leavenworth, Topeka & Emporia areas. We have a KPC-dev google group list-serve and a
Facebook page. We are supported by the Kansas
Permaculture Institute, a
project of the
Sustainability Action Network, Inc., a non-profit (501-C3) (www.sustainabilityaction.net). We are active offering
PDC courses, forest garden and a host of skill building workshops. We have been offering two
PDC courses a year since the fall of 2009. For information regarding our
permaculture educational and apprentice opportunities, please visit www.kawpermaculture.com/education-training/.