I don't know Anthony. It gets better: More and more animals show up. I decided to build a pond where there was an ugly clay scar on the mountain where logging had been done. It was sterile looking. Salamanders came, then thousands of frogs, then brown water snakes, then 2 blue herons, the
deer, a white egret, snapping turtles.
Pond plants just showed up, even though the pond was up on the edge of the woods, away from any wet bottomlands. It is weird how the plants appear.
After ten years of having a great pond, I found it dry. I filled it back up with a siphon hose (over 2 days work) and watched it run back out to find the leak. There was a hole in one end, like a bath tub. I want to rent a tiny bobcat to scrape out silt and carry clay to pack down over the hole. We may have ripped a hole in the rock when we built it. When you find rock, you
should stop digging.