We have started one jersey/dexter
milk cow that is giving us about 4 litres (a gallon) of milk a day, and at present, most of that is going to
feed two pigs (a sow, 8 month old boar). We have heard stories about milk making the pigs to fat, but am wondering how much is too much? As long as you are replacing kJ for kJ with their wheat,
should it be ok?
I have done some working out below, and am wondering if anyway sees any major flaws with it.
This sets 100g wheat at 1369kJ
If we guess that a jersey/dexter gives 6% cream, (similar to sheep) then this would set that at just under 400kJ per 100g.
Can I make the assumption that feeding them 3 1/2 litres of full fat milk a day is roughly equivalent to 1 kg of wheat, and cut their diet by that much?
If I work on similar assumptions, then when we make butter, 3 1/2 litres of hand-skimmed milk would equal about 2/3 kg wheat, and 3 litres of whey from cheese making would only be equal to about 1/4 kg wheat.
I know there is also the factor of how much of the kJ is digested, but we sprout our wheat for a few days, and then grind it to improve lycine levels and digestibility, so hopefully most of it is digested.