Hi Mark,
The water in the tanks are fed:
1) By the winter and spring rains (off the roof of the
greenhouse, and by pumping out the rain
2) By a water tanker at 70 euros for 2K liters. Not the best option, but in an emergency it works.
3) By us hauling 100 liters of water in our car every time we go to the field, which this summer was 2-3 times a day, about half of what we used.
The lack of water is a huge issue that probably won't be resolved, due to it's complicated and expensive nature. We're hoping that we can get the soil more water retentive and get
perennial plants living there as soon as possible, which if you saw our soil you would probably think we were crazy.
But...we were able to have fully-covered annual beds growing a lot of vegetables, even with all the limitations we are working under.
As for income, it's really hard to quantify a per-square-meter outcome. At the moment I would be happy if we could cover the costs of seeds, trees, and transplants.
Hopefully, when the whole 1000 square meters is jam-packed with edible plants, annual and perennial alike, we hope to lower our costs to just annual seed -- and our labor to just a little organic-material-cycling. That way whatever it produces that we can
sell will be nearly pure
profit. We're also hoping that the microgreens will take off and we can have good profit from that (we are building another similar structure on another piece of
land just for microgreens).
I'm planning on making a better, more complete diagram than this one. I'm realizing that there is a lot missing.