You can probably find low pressure pneumatic systems described on the web. But the pressure they use are much higher than the one I use. Mine only uses 1 or 2 psi of pressure. My aquarium bubble pumps are rated at about 4 and 5 watts and they produce 1 and 2 liters per minute of air. In fact I only need 22 inches of
water pressure to run my set up. The air is produced in a shed and sent in 3/8 inch irrigation tubing to my "pallet gardens". There it uses an "airlift pump" to send water continuously from a
bucket up to my plants and back to the bucket. I have 9 pallet gardens. I have experiments going on that show that this system can also work ebb and flow hydroponics and aquaponics and also experiments that show that it can capture heat and transfer and store it. How can it link low wattage sources? Well, imagine a little stream of water. half a meter head 15 inches and only about 300 litres per minute flow. Not much use for anything! But if you send that water a meter down through a 4 inch drain pipe at the little 15 inch dam, it brings air down with it. 15 liters per minute or more of air! See my pulser pump for details. That's 5 times what my bubble pump system produces! My airlift pumps are just tubes joined together. No electrical system can compare with this simplicity. Check out the pneumatic grid idea at
webpage I have used the pneumatic grid for over a year now. I have worked out kinks and improved the process in that time