We (Columbia Basin
Permaculture) have allied ourselves with Dr Mariam Raqib's "
Afghanistan Samsortya" organization in an epic guild of complementary goals, skills, and intentions.
Our (CBP) focus is dry-climate
Permaculture .... Mariam's org is focused on re-vitalizing the (destroyed) forests of Afghanistan as well as re-establishing household orchards and family stands of support and production
trees. Just so happens that Afghanistan is a dry climate. Further, the people there are very interested in learning about
Permaculture ideas and techniques ... conversely we are very interested in learning the traditional methods, plants, and techniques that prior to the Soviet invasion, served as sources of food and employment for a majority of the population. We're seeing a productive exchange of information here as well as combining forces to do some much-needed reforestation work.
Specifically, Mariam is conducting a drive to help fund the 2014 Afghan Tree
Project which intends to expand the existing nursery near Jalalabad, increase education and participation by women who perform as mothers and caretakers of extended families, propagate 100,000 tree saplings of numerous varieties, and continue to distribute trees to families and begin planting the surrounding hillsides. We wrote an article about this effort here: It was our good fortune to have this article re-posted on and ... a "three-fer"!
We are using this published article as our "splash" into the tough world of crowdfunding (see
2014 Afghan Tree Project) and attempting to ride the "ripples" from these online posts. Our thinking is that the more "eyes on" the article and indiegogo campaign we can get, the more contributions we'll ultimately receive.
Therefore, we would like to ask for your funding help, or if that's not possible, at least throw some weight behind this very worthwhile project by "liking" it on
Facebook and even Google+ or Twitter. Just the act of a "Like" or repost will help to get an increasing number of "eyes on" and help that ripple effect to spread further without petering-out. Thanks for any impetus you can help provide!
= )
Bill/Will Kearns
Columbia Basin