Hey friends,
Long Arm Farm is a small ultra diverse farm in southwest Wisconsin. I have 14 acres in
Perennial fruit, nuts,
mushrooms, herbs,
bees, pastured hogs, goats (cheese!), high tunnel, annual veg., and various harebrained schemes...
I'm really interested in biodynamics and mixing agricultural practices with a hearty dose of woo woo - its not all just toil around here. I'm pretty well read in
permaculture though i think its safe to say I like to bend the hype and rules a little.
In my past life I was artist, I try to weave manic creativity into growing and designing stuff around here. I have a small house, a small cabin, caves that can be turned into ghoulish apartments, a big shop, or woods to hide out in. There will be a lot of food this year.
And, i'm putting it out into the universe that i am looking for the worlds best intern(s) for the growing season (potentially beyond?). By best i mean positive, fun, easygoing, creative (time and space for
art making), hard working, sane, optimistic, non junky/alcoholic, good communicator and good listener. No pay to offer but worlds of knowledge, gas, food and lodging. I'm seeking people interested in learning along with me. I will be marketing in milwaukee (possibly madison and chicago) weekly so plenty of
city time to be had if you want it. Kids welcome too if they can cut country livin. Punkers, queers and witches welcome, especially punky queer witches.. spread the word!
check me out at longarmfarm.tumblr.com