Just wanted to stop by and make sure all the permies out there got a chance to hear about
Jack Spirko and The Survival Podcast community's new wiki. Jack annouced the wiki on his blog saying this "wiki
should become the go to resource for all things prepper, survival and even permaculture". I think one of the best places to find people to help create and write a big ol heap of
permaculture articles is right here on permies.com.
I just created the
Permies.com page on TSP Wiki but I want all of you to head on over, create an account, and then help make the Permies.com page a million times better.
Don't worry if you're concerned that editing a wiki is hard. It's about the same as posting the forums here. They've even put together a bunch of
training videos to help you get started.
Even if you aren't ready to jump in and start editing there are probably quite a few articles that might interest you. You can start at the
homepage or dive right into the
permaculute article.