Maybe I have a problem, possibly. Okay from the beginning. I finally got the base of the bake
oven, fire pit built using re-purposed marble and granite scraps so we managed to get the first 4 inch thick dome done and being impatient we lit a fire in it before the next 6 inch thick insulating layer built and on. It didn't hold heat the way I hoped, it fired okay, but only did one foccacia bread before it seemed to have cool right down.
So has anyone built an oven and am I just being impatient and need to get the next layer on in order to hold that heat before I will get the promised Neapolitan pizza in less than 5 minutes. Right now the whole thing is safely wrapped in a tarp under feet of snow, granted the second it warms up it starts to melt out long before the hip deep drifts that surround it. I have lots of time like until the middle of June at least before it will be time to build that final dome and hopefully we will have argued out the final design. We have had a few weeks of bitter cold and now we are back up around the freezing mark. I will see more minus fifty before the end of the season for at least a week or two yet. We have had a very weird winter....so I will also see how everything settled out over the winter as well. There were a couple of cracks when it was drying but they never really got worse when it fired.
I have heard that some people can judge their oven temps by the cracks....talk to me fellow cobbers it seemed like such a great idea when I picked up the book and said "Sure how hard can it be?"....and then I started hauling rock, sand, clay, mortar and bricks.
cheers from the great white north zone 2b/3a