Perennial Roots Farm is seeking an enthusiastic and motivated female apprentice to work the upcoming 2014 growing season from mid-April to November. Perennial Roots is a diversified farm that integrates
permaculture concepts with biodynamic rhythms and planting. We are located on the eastern shore of Virginia, between the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean on the Delmarva Peninsula. Our farm is 15 minutes from the bay and the ocean. We are only a short drive away from beaches for excellent fishing or swimming. Chincoteague Island is close, home of the famous wild ponies.
We use about 40 acres: 15 wooded and 25 arable.
The apprentice will be expected to work collaboratively on group projects, spray biodynamic mixtures, manage
compost piles, nurture young animals, slaughter old animals, collect and compost weeds, plant and tend
trees, work in the
greenhouse and market garden and much more! We are quite diversified and have something to interest everyone and this is also an intense learning
experience where you will learn everything from ecology to
mushroom cultivation.
A more detailed description of our farm can be found here: We grow exclusively non-GMO heirloom plants. We grow many varieties of tomatoes, lettuce, fruit trees, berries, and more. We raise heritage breed pigs, sheep, geese, ducks,
rabbits, and turkeys.
The schedule varies around the workload and the weather, but generally hours are from dawn until noon or 8 hours labor, whichever comes later. After noon, all time is your own, with the exception of occasional evening sprays and planting. Chores are daily on the farm. Saturdays are market days, but will not be expected to attend every market, so half your weekends will be free. Room and board are provided--Lunch and breakfast are provided Monday through Friday, as well as housing.
The purpose of an apprenticeship is to learn the craft of farming. The biggest and most meaningful compensation is the full-immersion, hands-on education of small scale agriculture. Room and board are offered in exchange, as well as food from our farm including vegetables, eggs and meat. Although we do not include groceries or evening meals, last summer our interns bought no food!
For the upcoming 2014 season, we have 2 full season apprentices and are looking for an additional female apprentice.
If you are interested in applying for a position or have further questions about the apprenticeship commitment, please email