Does anybody have good ideas for getting free wood chips?
I'm in South Australia and the ways that I've seen mentioned just don't seem to be available here.
I could easily use hundreds of tons of these wood chips, so buying them is completely out of the question.
Who maintains the power lines and right-of-ways in South Australia? Most maintenance companies that have to clear brush and trees and cut back undergrowth generate large amounts of wood chips. If they haven't got a biomass plant to take what they generate, they usually have more than they know what to do with. Maybe you can approach them and ask for their surplus.
My city has free mulch at the green waste area so it is just a matter of transport. But Before they started the program there were opportunities to just go up and ask a tree trimming company to dump a load on your property. One of my old neighbors had a regular free drop off of chips, and last I saw they had a pile as tall as their house in the front yard!
Without subsidies, chem-ag food costs four times more than organic. Or this tiny ad: