The right to free speech is a misunderstood concept in the U.S. The First Amendment is tossed around friviously , especially in the popular media of all places :
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the
freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
For purposes of this discussion I would like to focus on the words speech and press . I would also like to hear from our freinds around the globe as to how they percieve these concepts and how their nations guarantee {or not} those rights .
The way I understand this sentence is in context to Natural Rights . Humanity is born with certain rights . The source of these rights is not government . Depending on whether the Founding Fathers were atheists , theists , or Christians the source was refered to as God or Nature . Government cannot give these rights but can only impede them or protect them . So , this sentence clearly states that the government will make no law interfering in free speech or the press . That is all it says .. " shall make no law ..... abridging the freedom of speech , or of the press".
So , does this give people the right to say whatever they want , when ever they want . If you were in my home or a business that I owned and you were spouting off something I disagreed with could I ask you to leave ? Of
course . I could ask you to leave for whatever reason I want . It's my home . {Speech , means , of course , the spoken word }.
Freedom of the press means , of course , the media but not necessarily the written word . It means the printing press originally , which is a machine owned by an individual . Now , in modern times , the instruments of mass media owned by individuals . This means that the owners of those machines have the right to print or publish without fear of restriction by the government . If you want to say whatever you want in print or video you must own your own press. Just as in my home , if I owned the press I could forbid you from saying what you will in my publication . That is not censorship , it is editing . I can edit according to my own publishing standards . If I was a left wing democrat , I could see to it that my
newspaper had a liberal bias , vice versa .
Recently , in the popular media , this redneck duck hunter made a comment about his beliefs about homosexuality . He was edited heavily by the owners of the press he worked for . America cried out how his first amendment rights were being abridged . They were not . The owners of the press decided to ask him to quiet down or leave , basically telling him they hired him as a reality tv oddity and not as a moral pundit . It was affecting the bottom line . Pipe down or go home . He did and the money began to flow again . He could start his own press if he wished . I think that's how it's supposed to work .