yeah, my geese do the same thing, doesn't seem to be a whole lot of rhyme or reason to it. I thought at first it was a nesting instinct, cause they were also trying to breed and the way they dig, it's like they are in a carnal frenzy, very similar to their mating instincts. However, i thought this when they were initially digging small pits into a
wood chip pile.
Later on however, the little buggers were digging pits in filthy mud wholes at the entrance to a barn where many animals routinely evacuate their stool and
They often get their faces absolutely covered in muck, looks strangely tribal at times haha, geese with war paint!
yeah, perhaps there are creatures under the wood chips and soil they are eating, but i have never noticed my geese eating any kind of critters at all, so i can't attest to that.