Yesterday when I got home from work, I noticed one of my week old baby Buffs gasping for air. I took her outside to see if some fresh air might help. Mostly, she looked as though she had eaten a
wood chip, and was trying to swallow it down. She managed to make a few noises, but the sounds were not normal peeps. I read a few instances of this
online, and by that advice gave her a few drops of oil in a syringe down the throat. She went between phases of normalcy and gasping for the next few hours. I thought she would for sure die in the night. Today, she is still alive, still looking like she is trying to swallow down that woodchip, or whatever she is doing. She is eating relatively normal, and has pooped normal (no blood). Today I shot some
water in her throat with the syringe because I have not seen her drink any water.
Has anyone experienced this? Do baby chicks eat their wood chips and have trouble swallowing it? Is there any cure?
Should I separate her from the other chicks?
Any advice is welcome!