Happened upon this event in eastern British Columbia. Would really like to attend, but it's a long drive! This Saturday, March 13 in Kaslo, BC (map - Kaslo is the red balloon
http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=kaslo,+bc&sll=49.080837,-117.70649&sspn=0.126154,0.351219&gl=us&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Kaslo,+Central+Kootenay+Regional+District,+British+Columbia,+Canada&ll=48.632909,-117.70752&spn=4.073182,11.239014&z=7 From the Rossland Telegraph
Date and Time:
Saturday, 13 March 2010 - 10:00am
Ernst Huber, Calendula Moon Gardens at Loftstedt Farm and Peter McAllister, Underbelly Farm and the Manager of the Kootenay Agroforestry Society will
be presenting a photo exhibit and discussion at the Langham Theatre in Kaslo on Saturday March 13th, 10am to 5pm.Ernst has decades of practical permaculture (Sepp Holzer’s methods) farming and gardening expertise in which he produces bountiful crops in adverse conditions. Peter has been photo-documenting the Huber family on Loftsted for the past two years and will be showing Ernst’s garden in all four seasons.In the afternoon, Peter will be sharing his experience growing culinary and medicinal mushrooms both indoors and outdoors.Entrance to the day’s event will be by donation.The Kaslo Food Security Project will be running a Soup, dessert, tea and coffee concession on the day.To account for numbers for the day, please register at the office via email or phone. Thank you.