I'm sadly disappointed I thought this was a thread on
Sepp holzer's pig wallowing technique's of using an excavator vibrafloatation style to create pond's and larger ponds "dam's". I've only been a typing participant to the site for 10 minutes, but a reader since forever and a day.
My question is when did this all spiral into opinionation? I didn't know so many cultures came from the same land. I was so happy to see someone quote from rainwater harvesting, rather from their own imagination of how water hydrology works.
I do my best to read an entire thread before even considering entering into debate, it's wisest to know allot about something if you plan on disagreeing with it.
I think the hydrology subject that really attracted the brunt of falacious viewpoint's was that of " if you dam the stream you'll cut my water over.
Now let's state a categorical limitation on what we mean by dam's, ponds. We do not mean "barrier Dam" do people even know the are different style's of dam's that have all sort's of different effect's on the landscape?
P.A Yeoman author of "water for every farm" <-- Authority by Experience not by Authoritarianism
state's were talking about 5 million liter's or less is a small dam. That's right 5 megalitre's = small dam
Let's toss around a few statement's I'm going to limit myself to , Bill Mollison, P.A. and Sepp. In order for the debate to avoid the pitfall's of rhetoric.
-A full dam is 100% runoff
-Vegetative catchment is the only true erosion control, only way to manage evaporation over rainfall
- Swale's
feed Dam's, Dam's feed Swales
- 15% or more of your landscape should be in water.
- P.A Yeoman states "there shouldn't be any bloody runoff your property" <---- very few designer's achieve this.
Run that last statement through the mind "without commenting" what would happen if I managed to capture all the water that flowed into my property.
It doesn't take long to realize you would have a massive network of
underground water developing into a perennial springs downslope.
By the time my neighbor got to my house to shoot me over cutting off his "intermittent" <--entropic water flow, I would have enough water to guarantee him water for life. "Granted I followed my
permaculture directives" You build dam's at the end of the dry season beginning of the wet season, hence nobody would even know I did it, and nobody would know why the steam never dried up.
Just look at the consequence of building a rock gabion in a trickle of water in the desert
http://permaculture.org.au/2010/11/25/gabions-water-soaks-in-the-desert/ Next man who say's if I block the stream I'm getting shot is going to dye of dehydration.
I didn't write this to make a point, get my ideology on deck, or to see my name in the forum's
I'm simply banging my fist on the table, trying to call some order to a group that hopes to present to the world
permaculture directives as the solution's to man's disfunction with nature.
Cuzz at this point if I ever see Sepp's name being toss around with "dirty water thief" and guy who's name is in the thread subject but isn't discussed in the thread, I dunno maybe i'll go down to my pond and eat a patch of Giant Hogweed and down it with a glass of water hemlock. Cuzz there are more people talking about
permaculture by far than seem to have any basic academic standard's to adhere by when entering into a forum of debate that require's a high degree of logic and reason to be at all meaningful.
Now can someone please say they've at least tried to slosh around in a pond like me with an excavator hoping to build a pond based on a 3 second clip of Sepp swinging his arm back and forth in one of Paul's video's to explain how he makes ponds. That's right I almost fliped a bobcat the day before trying to turn 72 frame's of "Austrian Sage gold" into a vibraflotation technique, I think the saddest part is after i tried it with the excavator it worked 80% and now my duck's live in a natural wetland swamp instead of a boring patch of moss.
Cuzz I sure had my hopes up when i clicked "Sepp making lakes"