Central Taiwan. Pan-tropical Growing zone 10A?
Success has a Thousand Fathers , Failure is an Orphan
To understand permaculture is simply to look at how nature has been growing things for thousands of years. The 'secret' is simply to keep the soil covered with plants or mulch.
Central Taiwan. Pan-tropical Growing zone 10A?
dan long wrote:
Perhaps I didn't explain the allotment clearly.
The bed is made of compost on top of soil. It is not worked into the soil. Seeds are sown into the compost and then the roots are able to work their way down to the soil as they mature. The compost is not tilled, spaded, or otherwise incorporated into the soil except for zone 1.
The seeds i sowed into the exposed soil in zone 1 have excellent germination. The seeds sown, fromt he same packet on the same day, into the compost have very poor germination rates, likely due to poor water holding capacity. Has anyone else expereinced this? Is there another solution besides tilling the compost into the soil?
To understand permaculture is simply to look at how nature has been growing things for thousands of years. The 'secret' is simply to keep the soil covered with plants or mulch.
Central Taiwan. Pan-tropical Growing zone 10A?
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