Hello everybody, first time here. I am making a vegetable garden at my parents house and interested in making it into a long term,
perennial food garden. That way, when I move out, they can have a garden that they only need to
water, harvest, and occasionally de-weed. I recently changed the vegetable patch to a hugelkultur-style patch, so it has rocks, logs, sicks, grass/woodchips, under the soil (which is clayish).
What edible perennial plants would you recommend I plant? What plants keep my soil healthy?
Should include any cover crops or nitrogen fixing plants? What plants complement each other in a way that would keep the soil healthy for the long time?
I know it's too late this year to start a lot of it. I am about to transplant some annual veggies in it soon. However, I am interested in planning for a perennial garden soon so I am aware of anything I need to do before next year.
Edit: I live in zone 6a.