I would love to get some input on how to improve this area. Within the next month, this section will be fenced in and become an area for the ducks to graze during the day. The
fence will run with the mulberry saplings (on left in first picture) outside the
fence, with some or all of the clump of bushes inside, and the propane tank (in third picture) will be outside the fence (just so the delivery man will not need to enter the fence).
yard is on the west-northwest side of the property. (You can see that I took these pictures in the evening and the sun is behind the wooded area to the left in the first picture.)
I'm in zone 8a, coastal southeast NC.
Looking at the third picture, you see a holly tree and beyond that, right next to the propane tank, an oak tree....beyond that is an evergreen (one of those living Christmas
trees planted several or 3 decades ago) and another oak. Harder to see in the third picture is the antique
rose bush (on the left before the holly tree) that I'm trying to revive.
Along the house there are: some day-lilies, gladiolus, and weeds -- the weeds are doing better. There is an azalea (or mountain laurel?) and another plant Mother brought back from Asheville on a visit to my brother's place. At the corner of the house is a large gardenia bush.
So, a few questions:
The HOLLY TREE: I hate it. It's leaves are sharp, it's berries are poisonous (although the
chickens and muscovies seem to know that and haven't eaten any when they are out there). It's one redeeming feature is it provides shade to the house in the late afternoon. While I would love to cut it down now, I'm thinking the smarter move would be to leave it...plant a few fruit trees to the left of it (beyond where the soon to be fence line)...and once those are a few years old, then consider chopping the holly.
What to plant under/around the holly that will benefit the ducks and
Suggestions for the area along the house foundation?
I'll need to place one or two kiddie pools for the ducks...best locations? ideas for planting around them?