Registration Discount Extended until April 30th for the following
Permaculture Classes:
Permaculture Design Certificate Course in Kamiah, Idaho
Permaculture is offering an intensive and complete two week educational
experience that will give your life new direction. This course covers the full 72 hour curriculum from the
Permaculture Institute of Australia (
Bill Mollison). A Permaculture Design Certificate enables a student to become a Permaculture designer and teacher and is the foundation for further Permaculture work and study. It is a prerequisite for the Diploma in Permaculture Design offered by The Permaculture Institute of Australia. Permaculture is a design science for creating
sustainable human environments. The Permaculture concept is about practical and positive thinking. As a successful student of the Permaculture Design Certificate Course you will be propelled into action by new insights and strategies for turning the problems of today into the solutions of tomorrow. This course covers how to design establish and sustain living systems for every climate and landscape. It includes the application of Permaculture principals on food production, home design and construction,
energy conservation and generation, and explores economic structures and legal strategies supporting Permaculture solutions. Whether in a broad acre agricultural setting or the confined spaces of the urban landscape you will be able to design productive and practical solutions for any sustainability
project in any region of the world.
Dates: May 16 - 28, 2010
Instructor: Jesse Lemieux of Pacific Permaculture and PRI Canada
Where: Kamiah, Idaho
Cost: $1260 w/discount, includes meals and camping on-site
Contact: Julie Pagliaro 208-935-7793 for more information or to register
Email: Website:
Water For Every Farm - Permaculture
Earthworks Class Water for Every Farm, a three day course offered at the Kamiah Permaculture Institute, in Kamiah, Idaho over the Memorial Day weekend, 2010, will introduce the participants to the basic principles and concepts of Permaculture with an emphasis on water security and earthworks. The ideal audience will consist of landholders wanting to buffer their properties against the vagaries of climate change and on-going
land degradation through drought-proofing, soil renovation, water reticulation strategies and crop diversification.
Dates: May 29, 30, 31, 2010, from 9am to 4pm
Instructor: Warren Brush of Quail Springs and True Nature Design
Where: Kamiah, Idaho
Cost: $269 w/discount if booked by April 30, 2010, includes lunches and camping on-site
Contact: Julie Pagliaro 208-935-7793 for more information or to register
Email: Website: