Hey there folks - I began a food forest in 2012 within the Missoula urban interface - specifically 10th Street. You can link to the blog I've created regarding this venture at
Freedom Gardens Demonstration Food Forest.
While the link does not include this year's planting, it will give you a good idea of what we planted up to fall 2013. This spring, we added oodles of strawberries, shag bark hickory, paw paw, aronia, goumi (a nitrogen fixing berry bush from Siberia), kiwis, orach, sorrel, lupine, calendula, and the list continues. We now have over 75 varieties of edible plants growing on less than an acre! In addition, we've tasted all of the lambs quarter on site and selectively maintained those tasting the best in hopes that our select few will seed and provide a greater supply next year.