I agree. Nothing worse than store bought pork. The other white meat is worthless in flavor.
I found the article while looking up stuff I could easily grow to supplement their pasture diet. I also plan on planting walnut
trees in pasture. I may separate pastures for multiple breeds by what I plan on finishing them with. Peanuts are also good I hear. During their life up to 250lb, I want to give them the best and a well rounded diet. I also figure that 1/3 of what I grow aquaponically in my greenhouses will be dedicated to stock feed. maybe as much as 3/4 depending on what
land I can get,
water availability for irrigation of pasture, etc. I also plan on using a good amount of fodder.
I figure I have about 3 years before I get my property, to learn about how to do it right. I learned so much about pigs just today, it has my head spinning. I thought I already knew a lot. Haha, the moment ya think that, you need to research and learn what ya thought ya already knew. I had been basing all my ideas on old time traditions of butchering in December to provide one years curing time for the following years Christmas hams. As it turns out, I'll probably have way more hams than I will want when just starting up over the first couple years. And that's before I even plan on getting my hands on a couple breeds I want to produce with 100% genetic purity.