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"You may never know what results come of your action, but if you do nothing there will be no result”
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Idle dreamer
leila hamaya wrote: i would figure, if i were to have a system like this, that anyone who desperately needed the food and couldnt pay i wouldnt care. but i know...i am odd that way
"You may never know what results come of your action, but if you do nothing there will be no result”
How Permies.com Works
Be Nice
leila hamaya wrote: i would figure, if i were to have a system like this, that anyone who desperately needed the food and couldnt pay i wouldnt care. but i know...i am odd that way
Craig Dobbelyu wrote:
I don't produce enough to have a farm stand (yet) but I would have no problem at all with people taking a few items for dinner, even if they couldn't pay. Feeding a hungry person is the kindest thing a person can do, even if it cost you a few bucks.
I'd only be pissed if one person completely wiped out the stand and tried to resell it or if they just destroyed the food for "fun". I know kids like to smash pumpkins around Halloween time and to a degree I understand that, after all nobody intends to eat that half-rotted jack-o-lantern on the porch. But just ruining good food seems cruel... and that bugs me.
Craig Dobbelyu wrote:I don't produce enough to have a farm stand (yet) but I would have no problem at all with people taking a few items for dinner, even if they couldn't pay. Feeding a hungry person is the kindest thing a person can do, even if it cost you a few bucks.
Walter Jeffries wrote:
Craig Dobbelyu wrote:I don't produce enough to have a farm stand (yet) but I would have no problem at all with people taking a few items for dinner, even if they couldn't pay. Feeding a hungry person is the kindest thing a person can do, even if it cost you a few bucks.
You assume that people steal because they're hungry and don't have the money to pay. I don't agree with that assumption. Not only that, my mortgage holder, utility and the town tax collector won't accept that excuse from me that I can't pay them because I donated food to the 'needy'. No, they won't accept the excuse but will instead foreclose on me taking away my land, cut off my electricity and phone taking away my ability to do business and take away my land (town). I farm. If I raise it and put it up for sale and someone steals it then they have stolen out of the mouths of my children. That is not acceptable. If I choose to give someone something that is one thing but it is not acceptable for them to simply take it because they choose not to pay. Harsh reality check for you: if they can get to the farm stand in almost all cases that means they choose to spend the money on a car and gasoline. If they can choose to do that then they can pay for the food.
"You may never know what results come of your action, but if you do nothing there will be no result”
How Permies.com Works
Be Nice
AKA Wilde Hilde
S.Oregon High Mountain Valley 8b
"Ensnar'd in flowers, I fall in the grass."-Marvell
Rane Wallin wrote:This is interesting, but how many people even carry cash anymore? I almost never have cash on me.
Clowns were never meant to be THAT big! We must destroy it with this tiny ad:
turnkey permaculture paradise for zero monies