I have to agree with Tom's assessment on the types of vegetables. Eucalyptus would need to already be decomposing before it would be a good candidate for a growing mound. As far as will it work, yes it will work.
If you were to excavate some of the terraces the Inca built, you might find evidence of wood or some other vegetative material having been placed at the bottom, then covered with soil to set the level of the terrace.
I know that studies have shown that less water was needed to grow crops on the terraces than crops grown on level ground.
It would be interesting to know if they used what is now called Hugelkultur.
I do know that my ancestors, and Nations towards the east coast, used growing mounds extensively in some places. We have used this method since before the white eyes came to turtle island.
There are some differences in what is now termed Hugelkultur and the methods of building them that are used by us, but they are minor differences and mostly how the mounds are built up. We lay layers as opposed to Hugelkultur's stack wood and cover.
I have noticed no difference in the way these work for water storage and release to
root systems.