Hello all,
Quick introduction, I'm a 3rd year student of Regional Development & Innovation at Van Hall Larenstein, University of Applied Sciences in Wageningen, The Netherlands. I have previously done a 10-week internship at Quail Springs
Permaculture in the Mojave Desert in California, USA and wish to expand on the lessons I learnt there with such people as Warren Brush and Craig Sponholtz. My studies are training me to become a facilitator of multi-stakeholder processes. I hope to gain practical
experience at a (dry)
land restoration
project involving local/rural communities.
The school requires that I find an organization with at least 4 employees that specializes in rural development (urban projects could be possible but are less likely to be approved) which will take me as an intern for at least 20 weeks. The internship may start in February (but no later than February 28th) and I will need to be finished at least by the end of July. As far as location is concerned, my preference goes out to an arid area in the lower hemisphere. Countries such as South-Africa, India & Australia come to mind, particularly as I am limited to speaking English and Dutch only.
Of course my CV is available on request. Hope there's someone out there whom I can help and can help me!
Kind regards,
Kris Devéria