posted 9 years ago
Hey, Tom. I'm on my mobile so maybe I missed it, but I'm not seeing a species (latin) name on the Stark site. Without that, it's hard or impossible to research whether your locust of interest is a nitrogen fixer.
Apparently not all leguminous trees fix nitrogen. Honey locust is the subject of much debate and discussion and uncertainty; it's (by most reports) not a nodulating tree and the research on whether it fixed nitrogen is mixed. At least one study found some fixing, but the mechanism (without nodules) is unknown, uncertain, or speculative.
Best I can suggest is ask Stark for a species name (if they know it) and then do some Googling to see if that species is known to fix nitrogen. Look for actual studies, not just long lists of leguminous trees presumed to be nitrogen-fixers because they are leguminous. Sadly it's not that easy.