Risa Sibbitt wrote:i'm wondering if it would grow here well, and also, if not, why would they sell it at the store??
Because there's always someone out there who'll buy it without doing their homework.
I rather doubt you'll have much luck in Montana with a tree whose list of common names includes "swamp cedar" unless you're prepared to do a lot of irrigating. I don't know how Bigfork compares to Missoula for precip, but if I remember correctly Missoula gets about 11 inches a year, which is barely half of the LOW end of the precip range in its
native habitat according to the USDA Forest Service's
fact sheet on T. occidentalis.
You might try
scrounging around for Thuja plicata (western redcedar) seedlings, which are native to your area. When I lived in northern Idaho all of the riparian areas were crawling with it. Would probably still require some
irrigation if it wasn't close to a water body, but much less than T. occidentalis, I would think.