Hello Rose,
My biggest challenge is understanding how to do the pole framing I suppose. I understand that the framing poles for the roof should be built separately from the cob wall....as in that the poles should never be encased in cob.
Hmmm....I am not sure that is actually true in all cases, or even in most vernacular systems of this form going back several thousand years. "Encapsulating" or even "infill systems" is actual a standard practice in almost every from I know and teach. What lends you to believe this is not the case?
Are there different applications for poles that are located inside the building verses outside of the building?
I am not apposed to such modalities, yet these are more "reinventions" and contemporary "I think" methods, than actual traditional systems. Both can work, yet neither are a necessity. I to like the "inside" forms that I have seen, as they lend themselves well to creating stunning visual affects in the architecture. However, don't confuse these with "have to" one or the other.
How are the poles supposed to be mounted to the ground? I'm guessing like pier and beam houses...poured concrete? Anyone have some ideas?
Never "concrete" or any other OPC system...especially in traditional or natural building modalities. As for "ideas" I am not sure I would call them that per se, as these systems are well know, and documented going back thousands of years. If you just take a short review of some of what I have written here on Permies, (or feel free to contact me) we can discuss what systems appeal to your sense of aesthetic. Middle Eastern, African, and Asian methods are probably the most vast in orgin and type, yet others do exist. The U.K. and many other areas of Europe do have many examples of "structural" or "semi-structural cobb," yet I do not either recommend or design such forms myself, for many reasons.