Just wondering if I have different varieties of thistle here or what.
I'd like to start using thistle for liver detox and maybe in the future selling it to others. So I should really know my thistles.
One of these is a domesticated variety i planted from seed, the Cardoon.
Never seen or heard of that one. Never would have guessed it. Takes someone with familiarity with the subject to make an ID from a blurry photo. Good work.
I didn't see that. I was focusing on the photos for details. Even so, many think they have one thing but really have another. In any case, I need to pay better attention. lol
#2 is the Cardoon.
#1 is a bull thistle in my opinion.
#3 is not a young bull thistle. It grows up from a small shoot and gets high, bull thistle stays on the ground until shooting up.
#4 is a purple-ish thistle. very pretty when young, I think it might throw out yellow flowers.