Hello, my name is Justin and I'm a young
permaculture enthusiast and aspiring designer/builder/educator. My partner, Catherine, and I are from Austin, TX and currently on a 3 month immersive
permaculture and organic
gardening internship at Lost Valley Education Center, outside of Eugene, Oregon, while simultaneously completing a
Permaculture Design Course. The
experience has been so beneficial and we are now seeking new opportunities to expand our knowledge, skills and experience. We are envisioning a live-in situation on a farm, homestead, or community (we have a small travel trailer), but we're open to many options.
We are both honest hard workers and quick learners, intent on helping others and making a positive change in our community and the world. We have experience in the nursery and garden- seeding, transplanting, soil and
compost building, organic fertilizers and compost tea, pruning,
hugelkultur, several propagation techniques like layering and hard
wood clippings,
polyculture, guilds and use of
chickens and ducks for garden/orchard preparation. We have worked in orchards, forest gardens and maintained forest areas, including some exposure to swales and key line design. Another big part of our education here at Lost Valley has been in infrastructure- grey
water systems, compost toilets, light construction and natural building,
solar water
heaters, trail maintenance, rain water collection and more.
We have an entrepreneurial ethic and are interested in small business opportunities. We also both have experience working with children as summer camp counselors and highly value the education of the next generation. Oh, and we love to cook delicious healthy food! We don't need to work together if your only looking for one person, as long as other work opportunities exist in your area.
Please reply with any opportunities or leads you may have for us! Thank you so much.