Not sure if this qualifies for "introducing", but we have been slowing moving some of our foraged foods (ramps, fiddleheads, orpine (lives forever), and trout lilies) closer to our Yurt. Most of these love wet, but the orpine might be something you would want to introduce. It tolerates dry conditions well and is hard to kill. It is a succulent and we really like it in our salads. We also planted some lambs-quarters around the
chicken yard (on the outside) and they love reaching through the wire and plucking off a beak-full. We are slowly turning the area around the house into a place for dandelions, wild strawberries, and clover. The strawberries have been our biggest success. They seem to like the soot from our chimney that falls every time it is cleaned out, so we started putting it directly on the hungry plants. We also gather elderberry and
native hazelnuts from the woods and plant them closer to our home as well as
mushrooms. We are thinking of when we get older and may not be able to get out and about as well.
The wild ginger (as well as orpine) are in a mini-food forest right outside our back door. The mini-food forest started as a sawdust pile from a 1920's logging operation that eventually grew a lot of different
trees. It is about 5 feet high with a 20 feet diameter. We cut most of the trees because they were blocking out
solar panels and added wild food from the woods, some crab apples, service berries, mulberries and grow some annuals as well.