Well, it could be said that the most uncommon fruit we all grow is the mind and the most uncommon vegetable we all grow is the body and that they both come from seeds, of a sort.
Minds flower themselves unless that flowering is interrupted by the picking for its selling points and then the fruits and vegetables of our labors never appear to sustain us all. Produce ripens itself unless infected with blight.
We are all blessed with our own gifted minds to think independently and to make choices, as individuals, within our chosen groups. When we duplicate mind for the purpose of self-enhancement we lose the entire concept...
But I digress. All seeds come from the earth, in one way or another, and so do we...we remain largely uncatalogued, let's leave it that way...
If we respect those seeds within first we find that we come to respect those seeds outside of us (which are inside someone or something else) more easily. The growth of one affects the growth of the other...we are all reliant on this earth to grow even cultivated seeds for us. So respect for ourselves leads to respect for others which leads to recognition of all the individuals of this earth - be they plant or animal or human or mineral - and the earth likes to be recognized so that it in turns repays us with respect given back in the form of edible food, breathable air and drinkable
water and the surface upon which to exist...interconnectedness includes individual self as long we all have bodies. We do not live on fruit alone...