I just wanted to let you all know that the International Transition Towns movement has finally begun in Dallas. Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy!
We will be meeting on
Sunday August 15th at 3:00 PM
1903 E. Branch Hollow Dr.
Carrollton, TX 75007
This is the main link to find where all
local transition town members from other regional web sites will be gathering. This is "the place" for local community growth, preparing for peak oil, global warming, organizing local rural and urban
permaculture, DIY
sustainable energy transportation, hundreds of different type of sustainable alternative architecture, cottage industries, local script currency, (barter ,
gift, and reputation economies) etc etc etc....
http://transitiontexas.ning.com/group/transitiondallas If these ideas (and growing a local community to support them) appeals to you them please join that group and once there you can introduce yourself.
Make sure to use or sign up for a Skype account and connect to Les Squires on line to get a personal introduction and get your questions answered.
Please pass word of the organization on to others of like mind in the Dallas Fort Worth regional area. Also mention the National Transition Towns group to your friends wherever else in the world they may be. It is a truly international movement.
Here is more links and info... for Texas in general...
http://transitiontexas.ning.com/ And here are various other national and international links...
First the main USA link...
http://transitionus.ning.com/groups/group/list?invalidSlug=1 Then various others...
http://www.transitionnetwork.org/ http://www.transitiontowns.org/ http://transitionculture.org/ http://totnes.transitionnetwork.org/Central/About_us (I think Totnes was the first Transition Town, it is in the UK)
TRANSITION TOWNS: An Interview with Rob Hopkins (The TT movement founder)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQF09NG00V8 Once again the "Transition Towns Movement" is an already established and quickly growing international, national, state, and local movement.
It is that one big umbrella organization we have all been talking about needing. And I think it will be very powerful much sooner than people think.
I know other local groups exist already. Many of them have much larger
memberships (for now) and they are wonderful important groups but they lack the fully developed charter that is needed. They often lack the needed well documented philosophy. Most importantly they almost surely lack the funding and the hierarchical structures that are needed to start a really powerful world movement.
Many of these things are already done for people. The things people have
been lamenting for (most likely already exist.)
Thank You: Steve Ivy
Please note this meeting is at private home.
Please do come, but also please show customary respect. Our hostess has been most gracious to offer up her home for this inaugural meeting.
That in mind, note that there is a strong possibility that people having widely divergent political (if not environmental) viewpoints showing up. So political discussions are discourage as there is no need to create un-needed friction. We have much work to do.