This Indigogo campaign was put together by Reinventing
Roots a
permaculture group in the Negev (desert) in Israel who are training indigenous people in
permaculture principles. They are trying to raise $750 to help buy some tools and supplies for their upcoming course.
Here's an idea of how far a couple of dollars (or shekels) can go:
$2: 2-liter bottle of drinking
$6: Trowel to tend community garden
$6.50: Round-trip bus ticket to Beer Sheva to pick up supplies
$19.50: Pitchfork to build small-scale agriculture
$23.00: Soccer ball for soccer lessons and break times
$100.00: Tarp to shade playground to protect students from hot, desert sun
Please consider donating to this program to get more permaculture knowledge to more indigenous peoples!