First things first. Read Paul Wheaton's article on organic lawn care. Next, develop patience if you do not already have an abundance of it. If you are looking to go organic, and that is what all of agree is the best approach, you will have to consider it taking a longer time to get that lawn into pristine condition than if you had used chemicals. Chemical lawns are dependent on continued use of chemicals and destroy the soil food web, contaminate
water supplies, and kill all the living critters in there, not to mention they are dangerous to your family and pets.
Having said that, it would be wise to read Paul's article and start from there. Assess what you have and allow a few years for the total makeover of your lawn. You may also want to consider making your lawn smaller and maybe using ground cover instead of grass for that area.
As you look further into the
Permaculture forums you will get a better Idea of what you might want to plan for your lawn are in the future. My lawn started off really well in the spring, and as a fellow New Yorker the hot and dry summer ruined it. Now that fall is upon us I am having to reseed and using some of Paul's methods in the reconstruction of the soil. You will read about worm pits, and the advantage in using them in NY soil. this last weekend we put in another 7 pits and with all the rain we have had our lawn is finally able to handle absorbing water rather than pooling or running off the surface much better. With the 5 inch rain we just had the lawn did fairly well. We still have about another 20 or so pits to do, but we are in no rush. Figuring it will take about 3 years to get to the point where the lawn will require little maintenance is not as bad as you think, once you get started.
In the long run you are going to save money and time. A little effort now pays off down the road.
If you want to see my
thread and the ups and downs so far, here is the link. Best of luck.