For me, I eventually determined that great/good/excellent species for my arid climate are those species that are already growing in the area, regardless of their provenance. (I don't care if they are endemic or if they traveled. The research is too hard to do anyway... Even identifying one plant/animal can be extremely time consuming.)
A common strategy for me, it to collect propagules from up to 150 miles away growing in similar conditions, and grow them for one to four years in pots in a nursery to get good
root systems established, and then plant them back out into the desert when conditions seem favorable... (For example, if monsoonal rains are expected). Also I put them into micro-climates that are suitable... For example, right where rainwater pours from the face of a boulder, or on a
berm or
swale that captures sheet runoff.
I'm working on domesticating a few species... Selecting for less bitterness, better agronomic properties, larger leaves, more vigorous growth, etc...