Dear Sergei, and all permies, I've been around wild harvesting in a hobbyish way, but one thing I have understood very well is the maximum we can achieve is having someone teach us face to face or on
video like you have done (loved your videos and purchased your film, great!). Why do I say this? because I think the big thing with
books on wild harvesting is in the difficulty to have good pictures, photos, of what we are going to encounter. its hard work to interpret soemtimes what the suthors assume
should be clear.
Very often I've skipped through harvesting books that have beautiful photos of the plants we can harvest but they are not photographed in the moment we can harvest them, or maybe don't have the close up on the flower or specific signs from which we may need to recognise a plant that can be edible.
I have come by only one book that is very specific on how the plant should look like when you harvest it, I mean what its like in the period of year when it is best to eat, it is an italian book that has a lot of info and photo's that are very good for harvesting. But then the big thing about wild harvesting books is are they field guides or manuals, a bit the differtence I found with Samuel Thayers books, I find them top
class work but they don't really fit as field guides they're more of a reference to specific types of plants and very thorough on how to harvest the fruits, stems, flowers of the listed plants.
Do you feel this way too, have you thought about the importance of the photografic side of a printed wild harvesting book?