Yeah, from what I understand, organic fertilizer and phosphorus-free fertilizer are not the same thing, so you'll need to decouple that.
Fertilizer that is organic is subjected to certain production standards that ensure it is naturally derived, vs. synthetically generated. There are plenty of organic sources of phosphorus (including manure, etc.) so many organic fertilizers contain phosphorus. Phosphorus is a chemical element, so it doesn't matter whether you find it in organic or synthetic fertilizers - its composition, and it's effect on the environment is exactly the same.
Phosphorus was probably banned in your area due to algae blooms in your freshwater bodies. Phosphorus was banned from washing machine liquid long ago, and is being phased out of dishwashing liquid. There is some debate as to whether run off from P fertilization causes algae blooms.
To get phosphorus-free fertilizer, check the 2nd number on the package. It will look something like 15-0-10. If the second number is 0, you're good to go. There are several brands that advertise themselves as phosphorous-free
Good luck!