I am available for a flexible unique work trade educational
experience (internship, apprenticeship) in exchange for livable private space and longevity.
I am currently touring to see potential healers/homesteads/apothecarys/free clinics, so please let me know if we are a fit for each other! I will love to schedule a visit with you whenever.
I have lots of unique skills in perennial/wild/self pollinating seed saving/distribution/collection/restoration, bio-regional herbalism, natural
land restoration, ethical wild crafting and foraging, dance, song, preservation methods (plants and animals), creating a range of dietary specific meals, community structure organizing, accountability, business/personal assisting, fundraising, regional event coordinating, pregnancy/postpartum support, out/indoor clutter removal/organization, organic produce/culinary herbs, animal breeding/butchering/processing, child/senior assisting/companionship, un/homeschooling wild wisdom, and can support the community in various ways!
I am looking for a nurturing environment; one that focuses on personal and group well being, growth,
sustainable and equal living. That values work, the arts, healing and rest. Has some emphasis on getting medicine and knowledge/skills to low-income folks and/or folks with limited access to resources. I seek to have an open, educational, motivative, inspirational live in or close by opportunity this winter and/or beyond.
I am currently expanding my knowledge of all animals healing practices, midwifery/doula, plant healing, natural land restoration, ancestry, winter foraging, spindle fiber crafts,
perennial and wild seed saving, geology identifications, languages/tongues, spirit guides, natural navigation, patience, healthy communication, communal living, and more.
I create and distribute seasonal Herbal Crafts and Medicine. I am the co-founder of several Seed Lending Libraries across the country. I
led Bio-regional Workshops; Seed Saving then Restoration, Dehydration as Preservation and Salve Making. I did Seed and Fungal Restoration of an abandoned mine site. I have experience working with wild foods educator Katrina Blair and Turtle Lake Refuge
Raw Food Cafe. I currently write for Seed BroadCast Journal and Utah Tar Sands Resistance. I offer transparency and accountability processes for grassroots organizational groups.
REFERENCES: available
Please also forward my information if you know of another person/place!
My biggest vision of a community:
aligned beliefs/actions, accountability of actions/words, communal decision making, long term work trade for rent, private living spaces, Equal and Valued contributions/choices/opinions/ideas, inspire ourselves/each other/the community, land generating needed income with group cohesion, ethnic diversity and celebration, valuing all types of gender and sexual identities, challenging patriarchy, aware of privilege and uses to aid others, multi-lingual, indigenous partnerships, one-on-one and group relationships with land mates, nurturing and healing group activities, substance use policy,
water catchment, grey water system, perennial and edible gardens/landscape, dehydration/preservation space, communal spaces, flowing water, ancient life ways, radical guest housing, live birth of varies animals, youth spaces, communal youth care with informal teaching, intergenerational, outdoor kitchen,
outhouse, cold storage, homestead educational series/free skool, farm booth/apothecary, art/modelling/music studio, sustainable lifestyles, monthly community potlucks, land mates engaged in wider community, pack/work animals
Sending you magic, excitement, wonderment, butterflies, preying mantis, inspiration, wild horses, rainbows, clouds.
Appreciating what you do,