This year's trip to Austria was an amazing
experience for many different reasons, one of my favorites was being able to see a variety of different aged Holzer style systems in place. We saw the Krameterhof of
course, an amazing demonstration of the possibilities to work with nature, the Holzerhof, perhaps even more impressive to see what can be done within 15 years and with virtually no maintenance for the first decade, and the Wildniskulturhof a
project still within it's first year.
Judith has done a truly amazing job grabbing this project by the horns. What she has been able to accomplish within 9 months is remarkable Already a series of ponds have been created, a spring tapped, several shallow
wells dug to harvest the ground
water flowing through the property, a tiny home moved to the site, a few kilometers of terraces, an earth cellar, hundreds of
trees planted, agro industrialized
chickens renaturalized and given a much better life, and those are just the highlights. I'm further inspired as she provides an example of a single woman making all of this come together.
She has been putting her heart and soul into the project along with all of her financial resources and she has now come to a point where she needs to ask the community for help. Her goal is to get the remaining systems in place to support multiple people living on site to romance the systems that have been put in place to their full potential. This is after all the most important phase with Holzer
Permaculture. This site will be an education center and demonstration site for other's to visit, work at and gain skills and experience to feel confident managing this type of system for themselves.
Wildniskulturhof Crowdfunding Campaign | Click Here
You can find out more about the Wildniskulturhof and see updates by following the link below:
Wildniskulturhof Homepage
Unfortunately the video below is only in German but it still gives you a good idea of the scope of the project and the systems that have been put into place so far.
This video is also in German but is the most recent interview with
Sepp. It really has some great content, maybe someone will be inspired to translate what he says and post it here for others to gain from as well.