It's getting colder, noses are starting to run and vegetables will be a bit more scarce soon. The time has come to make some soup!
Research has shown various benefits of soups with potatoes, cabbage, lemongrass, ginger, tomatoes, and the classic
chicken noodle. Some say that sipping the soup and breathing the steam alone can clear up congestion. Regardless, soup makes you feel good on a bad day. You can also make a massive batch and freeze part of it for the months of the year when it's tough to get fresh produce. Let's share some of our favorite recipes here:
Borscht--I made this just a few days ago. With beets going for $2 a bunch its a relatively cheap and easy one to follow. I had a friend teach me how, so the measurements aren't precise, but you can find the recipe she followed in the Silver Pallet Cookbook.
1. Wrap about 4-5 medium large beets in aluminum foil and bake in the
oven until you can easily insert a fork (about 45min-1hr) at 400 degrees.
2. Put a few tablespoons of olive oil and/or canola oil in a large pot on medium high.
3. Add a small can of tomato paste and fry it up.
4. Clean and prep a package of pork ribs or
beef. Slice into bites, dredge with flour and throw it in.
5. Add 1 chopped onion and a bit of chopped garlic, a dash of Italian seasoning and salt and pepper (about a
tsp of each, then add more to taste later after your meet is cooked).
6. Slice a few carrots and throw them in .
7. Add a box of beef stock, and 2 cans of tomatoes.
8. Simmer uncovered for about 20 min to reduce.
9. Add amount 2 tbs red wine vinegar, a splash of red wine, and a squeeze of lemon.
10. Skin and cut beets then add those.
11. Cook for about 15 more minutes and serve with fresh dill, sour cream, beet greens and black bread.