Lemongrass works great for repelling mosquitoes though it is hard to really estimate a range or an effective concentration to keep the little suckers away. I found that my legs get the most attention when I'm out in the field and since it is way too hot and humid to wear long pants, I've had to just grin and bear it, that is, until today.
Putting lemongrass in my pockets has been ineffective. Rubbing it on my skin has not shown any noticeable effect either. Sticking a clump in each
boot, however, has done wonders.
Grass in the boot has been highly effective at keeping my calves bite free. To be fair, the mosquitoes might be deterred by the leaves waving around rather than the scent. At any rate, it keeps them away from my legs. I haven't gotten bit on my arms either though my upper body gets less attention with or without the lemon grass in my boot. In case you havent put 2-and-2 together yet, that handsome gentleman pulling a Captain Morgan in the picture is Yours Truly showing off the proper way to deploy lemon grass against the
local pestilence.
This is my new go-to strategy. Perhaps it will be equally effective with other herbs in other climates where lemongrass doesn't grow. I encourage any and all anecdotes on natural mosquito repellent.
This is all copy-pasted from my blog sans some of the more colorful language and similies. To see the pictures and the original post in all its PG13 glory, check out