My New Book: Grow a Salad in Your City Apartment - grow urban salad greens, sprout seeds in your kitchen
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My New Book: Grow a Salad in Your City Apartment - grow urban salad greens, sprout seeds in your kitchen
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“No hour of life is wasted that is spent in the saddle.” Winston Churchill
My New Book: Grow a Salad in Your City Apartment - grow urban salad greens, sprout seeds in your kitchen
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Adrienne Halbrook wrote:
Took her little kid potty outwith us to. Saved a lot of bathroom trips!
Hot Cha, where are you?
“No hour of life is wasted that is spent in the saddle.” Winston Churchill
My New Book: Grow a Salad in Your City Apartment - grow urban salad greens, sprout seeds in your kitchen
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Rosemary Hansen wrote:
Have you looked at making your own mosquito spray with essential oils? Using a base of witch hazel + Geranium oil is proven to keep mosquitos away, almost as effectively as DEET. But use caution with babies and don't over-apply it. I think also lemon oil and lemongrass oil are good. The mosquitos are really fierce here too and very large!! I'm not sure how we're going to protect my toddlers this year. Let me know if you get any good ideas about that!
Hot Cha, where are you?
“No hour of life is wasted that is spent in the saddle.” Winston Churchill
Nicole Alderman wrote:My first thought is that would take forever to get on my kids! Maybe yours might be more inclined, though. It always seems to take 10 minutes to get shoes and coats on my kids to get them outside, though. Maybe tucking in long pants into socks and rubber-bands around long sleeve wrists, and the net on the head would be easier? You can also try crushing some garlic and putting it in their pockets and rubbing it on their clothes. Garlic seems to be the best natural mosquito repellent we've used...
“No hour of life is wasted that is spent in the saddle.” Winston Churchill
Hot Cha, where are you?
Kay Gelfling wrote:
Rosemary Hansen wrote:
Have you looked at making your own mosquito spray with essential oils? Using a base of witch hazel + Geranium oil is proven to keep mosquitos away, almost as effectively as DEET. But use caution with babies and don't over-apply it. I think also lemon oil and lemongrass oil are good. The mosquitos are really fierce here too and very large!! I'm not sure how we're going to protect my toddlers this year. Let me know if you get any good ideas about that!
Thank you! I would dearly love to make my own mosquito spray! I will try the witch hazel + Geranium oil on myself and see how it goes. The lemon oil and the lemongrass oil i have had limited success, maybe i wasn't using enough?
For the witch hazel and geranium, is toxicity the reason for not over-applying? How much is too much? I googled geranium oil and it suggested not for use by pregnant or nursing moms due to it influencing hormone secretions. That makes me nervous for applying to my young one on a regular basis. My lack of knowledge / confidence in the essential oils / medical realm has kept me from using any kind of bug spray or sunscreen on her so far. (Except a handful of occasions for the sunscreen when we had to be out in full sun at the wrong time of day.) I'm glad to start learning more.
My New Book: Grow a Salad in Your City Apartment - grow urban salad greens, sprout seeds in your kitchen
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Adrienne Halbrook wrote:A big help for us back when we had a few big projects to do was to have portable play things to move along to different areas around the property for our toddler. A sandbox, slide, little play house, etc. was a bit of a pain to move but it really helped keep her entertained so we could get more done at a time.
Also when it was hot, setting up a "teepee" or tent in the shade where she could lay down with her water bottle and some books or toys was nice for her.
Having her own little tools helped to keep her busy while she "helped" us work and made it less likely she would snatch one of ours and loose it somewhere.
Packing a going-outside bag with easy to eat snacks, water bottle, some extra clothing, wetwipes, bug spray, sun hats, sunglasses, etc. was really helpful and saved a lot of time. If she was hungry, got her shirt dirty/wet and HAD to have another one, got her hands dirty, etc. I could take care of the problem right there instead of having to take her all the way back to the house and then all the way back out to the work site.
Took her little kid potty outwith us to. Saved a lot of bathroom trips!
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