Hey folks,
I recently got some
land that I will eventually live on. Being a student I have a fairly limited funds and I'm considering the different options for a small home that would be both efficient and cheap. I'll be working on it over the holidays and summers for the next 2 years, until my studies are done.
Being in France and having limited knowledge in construction, I don't think a "traditional"
cob house is not an option for me. Building a structure and roof seems a bit out of reach and a hiring someone to do it for me would cost too much. The benefits of cob regarding thermal mass are not to be ignored though, hence my question. Where I am I can afford a
wood shed, home depot kit sort of thing. To me it sounds like a good base to start from.
Would it be viable to add a insulating layer (hemp or whatever), followed by a layer of cob for thermal mass on the inside?
The result would be a shed from the outside (so no issues with building permits, neighbors complaining about aesthetics or whatever) and super efficient and creative look inside (sculpted cob is just wonderful). To me it seems like the cheapest and most efficient way to have a small house (20 square meters). That is not too hot in the summer and good a keeping the heat inside during winter.
Ideally I want a home as natural as possible, that requires very little fuel to heat. While the wood from a home depot shed is probably treated with not so eco friendly materials, it seems like the most easily available/cheap option to me.
I'm open to anything, even widely different from what mentioned above.
Looking forward to your input.