Well, everybody,
please be kind with me upon this first ever Permies post. I hope to be worthy of the time you will spend burning your eyes on a computer screen for the cause.
I have long been snooping around this wonderful website and feel I have something pretty awesome to share with you all.
I am coordinating and co-teaching what I consider the freshest
PDC I could throw together, with
Permaculture instructor and natural builder Mike Wird from Regenerative Lifestyles and Denver Earthships, along with a pallet of
local instructors and guest speakers.
This is taking place in a place known as Nature Island: the Commonwealth of Dominica.
As you can imagine, I am excited, and it is time to tempt you all to come join us in March 2016, to reboot and sweat in the Tropics as we fill our brains, bellies and hearts with wholesome
Permie goodness.
So, if you were thinking about getting your
PDC, consider joining us in this Paradise! The following link has it all broken down for you, so I don't want to waste time here, trying to impress you with my corny forum poetry.
2016 Family Tree PDC in Dominica
Enjoy your tour of the ButterSide.
P.S.: Let me know what you think of the webpage aswell, we're trying to keep up with our technology and human expectations.