I have written a pretty good (I think its good) introductory article to
The idea is to share it with people who do not know anything about
It purposefully does NOT include the following:
-anything about spirituality or religion, or souls, or "energy"
-anything not supported by pretty good evidence
-anything about the three ethics, or philosophy
-anything about capitalism, communism, racism, colonialism, decolonialism, feminism, misogyny, consumerism, etc.
Its pretty close to Paul's approach: Just give people the really cool and practical parts of
However I have included descriptions of aspects of
Permaculture Design which I really like: "Edge Effect", "The Problem Is The Solution", "Zones", etc.
I have solved the difficult problem of answering "What Is Permaculture?" by dividing Permaculture into three parts and talking about them separately.
I have divided Permaculture into...
Permaculture Design (the process to designing efficient and ecological farms),
Permaculture Techniques (
RMH, Swales, Food forests,
polyculture, etc), and
The Permaculture Movement (the collection of people and groups who associate themselves with Permaculture).
I have also included a big list of resources about Permaculture which I have personally found useful.
You can read the full article, and share it with your friends, here: